Universal Learning Academy welcomes Greater Metro Detroit area students from all backgrounds and cultures who meet the eligibility criteria outlined below. If you are interested in enrolling your child in a state of the art educational program, please complete and submit an enrollment application. To obtain an enrollment application and for more information, please contact the office at (734) 402-5900.
You may now Enroll Online!
Click to Start the Online Enrollment.
Enrollment Eligibility
- ULA enrollment is open to all Michigan residents, as well as foreign exchange students who are not U.S. citizens. Other non-Michigan residents are not eligible for enrollment.
- ULA enrollment is limited to students who fall within the appropriate age range and meet grade level requirements.
- The ULA Board has established a policy of priority enrollment for siblings of current students. For grades K-12, children of Board members or Academy employees are eligible for priority enrollment.
- Any student who was enrolled at ULA in the immediately preceding academic year is eligible to re-enroll in the appropriate age range/grade level unless that grade is not offered.
- No student may be denied participation in the application process due to lack of student records.
- For grades K-12, if ULA receives more applications for enrollment than it has spaces available, students will be selected randomly through a public lottery drawing.
- For PreK, ULA follows the Michigan Department of Education GSRP guidelines. More information can be found here.

Enrollment Requirements
You can register your child at Hamadeh Educational Services’ Central Office or the Academy’s main office during business hours. To save time, please print and bring the completed application form with you when you register.
- Enrollment application
- Copy of birth certificate (and passport if the student is not a citizen)
- Copy of immunization record
- Copy of last report card
- Free and reduced lunch application (with proof of income)
Paper Enrollment Instructions:
1) Download the enrollment application.
2) Print the application, fill it out, and sign the associated documents.
3) Fax, Email, or bring the requested forms to the main office of the Academy.
Further instructions are located on the first page of the enrollment application.