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PTC & Volunteers

Parents and community members: WE NEED YOU!

You’ve heard the proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child,” and it’s true. When parents, teachers, and community leaders work together, students not only achieve better grades and higher test scores, but also have fewer attendance and behavior problems.

To underscore our commitment to this partnership, Universal Learning Academy has appointed a School Involvement Liaison who works with parents and community volunteers to enrich our students’ educational experience.

Following are some of the volunteer opportunities available at ULA. After reviewing the list, please contact the School Involvement Liaison at  (734) 402-5900 to discuss your interests and how you can become involved.

  • Parent Teacher Council (PTC): PTC members promote and coordinate special school projects, fundraising activities, and other activities related to their children’s education. PTC meetings are held once a month and are open to all parents.
  • School Improvement Plan (SIP) Committee: Members work to enhance school programs, ensure compliance with state standards and requirements, and prepare students for college and career planning. Members review data  and make recommendations for improvement in professional development as well as program development and implementation.
  • Classroom Volunteers: Parent volunteers can make a huge difference in the classroom by assisting and relieving teachers of many administrative tasks that take time away from lesson planning, instruction, and student evaluation. To participate, contact your child’s teacher or the School Involvement Liaison.
  • Athletic Program Volunteers: Parents and community members are needed to serve as coaches and assistant coaches as well as monitors and concession stand workers at athletic events. Contact the Athletic Director or School Involvement Liaison to learn more about volunteer opportunities in the athletic program.
  • International Fine Arts and Festivities Committee: Members participate in planning and implementing activities that celebrate cultural diversity and promote multicultural awareness among students, parents, staff, and the community.
  • Extra-curricular Committee: Volunteers are always needed to help in the planning and implementing extra-curricular activities, clubs, and events during and afterschool.
  • Science Fair Committee: Volunteers play an important role in planning and implementing a successful Science Fair program every winter.
  • Technology Committee: Volunteers are need to assist in planning and implementing a sophisticated technology program; to research best practices, software, programs, training and equipment; and to assist the Academy in meeting the changing technological demands of the 21st century.
  • Safety, Building, and Discipline Committee: Members may serve on the Safety Patrol; share ideas about the school safety plan, policies, and procedures; participate in the school beautification program; or assist the building and facilities department as needed.
  • Uniform Committee: Members assist in defining uniform policies and selecting school uniforms.
  • Class Field Trips: Parents are needed to join their children on fun and educational field trips during the school year. Please contact the classroom teacher or School Involvement Liaison to express your interest.

Get Involved!

Please download and review these volunteer guidelines; then, complete and submit the forms to the Academy main office to jumpstart your volunteer interests!

  • Parent Involvement Checklist
  • Volunteer/Chaperone Policy
  • Volunteer/Chaperone Agreement